Publications and Media
Scientific papers
Here is the Publication list
Proceedings & Academic Conference
M. Minatoya, Q. Fang, T. Hamada, T. Daikoku. Enhancement of Creativity Using Neurofeedback that Increases Alpha Oscillatory Activity, The 62nd Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, 2023/5
M. Minatoya, Q. Fang, T. Hamada, T. Daikoku. Neurofeedback System and Auditory Creative Experience to Enhance Creativity, ICMPC17, 2023/8
Computational Model of Statistical Learning in The Brain: Towards Understanding Acquisition of Prosodic Rhythm. Invited lecture at International Workshop: New Perspectives of Parent – Infant Synchronicity Studies: Behavioural and Biological Foundations, 1st December, 2022
大黒達也, 堀井隆斗, 大関洋平, 長井志江.脳の統計学習にともなう聴覚認知システムの発達基盤の計算論的理解. 日本音響学会聴覚研究会,P-02,2022.
大黒達也, 堀井隆斗, 大関洋平, 長井志江.脳の統計学習に基づく創造性と認知個性の発達的基盤の計算論的理解. 日本発達神経科学会,P-02,2022.
Daikoku T. Neuroscience & Health discussion, 3rd Conference on AI Music Creativity (AIMC 2022), a key speaker (Invitation).
Daikoku T. Neural and computational understanding of musical emotion and the creativity. プログラム【2S06e】情動情報学「情動情報解読による人文系学問の再構築」日本神経科学会(NEURO2022)
Daikoku T, Lovcevic I, Nagai Y, Tsuji S. The Temporal Modulation Structure in Speech Directed to Infants with Hearing Loss. 日本発達神経科学会,P-09,2021.
Yoshida N, Daikoku T, Nagai Y, Kuniyoshi Y. Embodiment perspective of reward definition for behavioural homeostasis. Deep RL Workshop NeurIPS 2021.
Yoshida N, Daikoku T, Nagai Y, Kuniyoshi Y. 恒常性に基づく身体制御の生成:構成論的実証.日本発達神経科学会,P-02,2021.
Daikoku T (guest speaker of the conference), Lachmann T, Jentschke S, Tsogl B, Ahissar M, Koelsch S. Neural Correlates of Statistical Learning in Developmental Dyslexia. The 20th World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP2021), China (2021).
Daikoku T, Jentschke S, Tsogl B, Lachmann T, Koelsch S. Statistical learning in the developing brain. Neuroscience and music Aarhus, Denmark (2021).
Daikoku T, Kumagaya S,Ayaya S, Nagai Y. Speech Rhythm Hierarchy: Towards Understanding of Phonological Characteristics in Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research, Boston, USA (2021).
Daikoku T. Depth and the Uncertainty of Statistical Knowledge on Musical Creativity Fluctuate Over a Composer's Lifetime. Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, 213, Chili (2020)
Daikoku T, Kumagaya S, Ayaya S, Nagai Y. Characteristics of Speech Rhythm Hierarchy in Autism Spectrum Disorder. 日本発達神経科学会,P-02,2020.
Smalle E, Daikoku T. Duyck W, Szmalec A. Mottonen R. Language learning in the adult brain: TMS-induced disruption of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex enhances neural entrainment indexes to statistical language learning. Clinical Neurophysiology 131(4):e56, 2020.
Daikoku T, Kumagaya S,Ayaya S, Nagai Y. Hierarchical structure of speech rhythm in autism spectrum disorder. International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Brain Science (2020).
Daikoku T. Statistical learning in the developing brain. The 21th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society, P27, Tokyo, 2019/3
Daikoku T. Cortical oscillations in multisensory speech perceptions: TMS and EEG study. The 21th Congress of Japan Human Brain Mapping Society, P26, Tokyo, 2019/3
Daikoku T, Panouilleres M, Mottonen R. Cortical oscillations and predictive coding during auditory and audiovidual speech perceptions: a combined TMS and EEG study. Biomagnetic 2017, Sendai, 2017/5.
Okano T, Daikoku T, Ugawa Y, Yumoto M. Neuromagnetic responses accompanying the difficulty of auditory statistical learning. The 22th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Tokyo, 2017/7.
Daikoku T, Mottonen R. Articulatory motor cortex contributes to predictive coding during speech perception: a combined TMS and EEG study. Speech Motor Control Conference, Groningen, 2017/7.
Daikoku T, Okano T, Yumoto M. Relative difficulty of auditory statistical learning based on tone transition diversity modulates chunk length in the learning strategy. Biomagnetic 2017, Sendai, 2017/5.
Daikoku T, Yumoto M. Right hemispheric dominance in concurrent statistical learning of attended and ignored auditory sequences. Biomagnetic 2017, Sendai, 2017/5.
Yumoto M, Daikoku T, Okano T, Yatomi Y. Statistical information embedded in the stimulus sequence figures a neuromagnetic probe for human auditory function. Biomagnetic 2017, Sendai, 2017/5.
Okano T, Daikoku T, Ugawa Y, Yumoto M. The difficulty of auditory statistical learning is reflected in neuromagnetic P1m and N1m responses. Biomagnetic 2017, Sendai, 2017/5.
2/2023 Yahoo news:アイデアが出ないとき、脳科学的に「散歩するといい」理由.東洋経済オンライン
2/2023 音楽は、言葉にできない感情を伝えるもの.雑誌「音遊人」2月号
2/2023 対談 為末 大×大黒達也×枡野俊明.創造力を高める『ゾーンに入る』方法.月刊「ブレーン」2023年3月号.N0753
9/2022 Yahoo news: 無駄こそ大事! ? “創造するチカラ”を高める6つのアクション
4/2022 「音楽はどこから生まれ、どう進化するのか、研究者と音楽家の両面からアクセスし解明したい」, esse-sense,
4/2022 いくつかの疾病にも音楽が鍵を握っている.サンデー毎日(4/10掲載).
3/2022 音楽する脳.週刊東洋経済(3/26掲載).
3/2022 知性とともに発展した音楽.世界日報(3/20掲載).
3/2022 脳はなぜクラシックに感動するのか?AERA dot 3月号,一冊の本.
3/2022 最高の体調をつくる音楽の活用法.YAMAHA. 月刊ピアノ4月号 読書ノススメ.
2/2022 Yahoo news: 現代音楽は「科学や論理ではまだ未解明なものを“感性”によって先に表現しているもの」
10/2021 拡散的思考と収束的思考の 2 つが重要 脳科学から見た創造性と学びのための思考のヒント.アデコ「Power of Work Vol.28」.
5/2021 Yahoo news:フィンランドの教育から学んだ「創造性を高めるため」に大切なこと.AERA dot.
5/2021 Yahoo news:脳科学者が教える「AI時代こそワクワクすることが大切」な理由.AERA dot.
5/2021 Yahoo news:びっくりする出来事が記憶に残りやすいのはナゼ? 最新脳科学でここまでわかった!AERA dot.
5/2021 Yahoo news: なぜスピーカーを通した音楽より、コンサートのほうが感動するのか?AERA dot.
4/2021 Yahoo news: アマゾンで「売れているビジネス書」ランキング.東洋経済Online. URL:
1/2021 Japanese classical music “Gagaku”. Today Shinbun. URL:
9/2020 Towards understanding of Japanese cultural “Ma”. Academist Journal. URL:
9/2020 UTokyo FOCUS, Video Nuewletter. URL:
9/2020 音楽体験で得られる神経反応~「音の統計学習システム」とは何かを考える.TBSラジオ「荻上チキ・Session-22」URL:
7/2020 El cerebro cambia según cada género musical. La opinion. URL:
7/2020 脳の発達に「雅楽」が有効?Leaders online. URL:
7/2020 東大、日本伝統音楽「邦楽」の演奏家の脳内処理機構を解明. 日本経済新聞. URL:
7/2020 Music on the Brain. Neuroscience News. Medindia. URL:
7/2020 The effect of music on the brain. Entertainment Paper. Chicago. URL:
7/2020 El cerebro cambia según cada género musical. Tendencias21. URL:
7/2020 Music on the brain
A neurological study of classical musicians trained in different styles. Science Daily. URL:
7/2020 The Impact of Music on the Brain. Neuroscience news and research. URL:
Impact of Music on the Brain of Japanese And Western Musicians. URL:
5/2020 Honsuki: 「翻訳」してませんか? 学校では教わらない外国語学習法|マルチリンガルは「脳内辞書」を分けている.URL:
4/2020 Livedoor News: 創造的な発想を生み出すために必要な「4段階のプロセス」.URL:
4/2020 Yahoo news: 脳科学で紐解く「睡眠」と「創造性」の関係. URL:
4/2020 Yahoo news:芸術的才能・創造的思考は育成できる URL:
8/2019 デーリー東北新聞.脳と音楽テーマ,海外でも評価.
12/2018 Finding artistic talents using EEG and AI. YAMAHA on-ken scope. URL: